Hassan Hmedoush

Active Citizens, Non-violence, Conflict Transformation, Peace building, Mediation, Negotiation, Facilitation

Hassan Hmedoush is a conflict transformation specialist and passionate. He has 10 years’ experience of political and social activism in Syria that ignited his passion towards understanding, analyzing and transforming conflicts.

Hassan joined Steps in 2016 as a consultant and worked in delivering trainings, facilitation of dialogue, developing of content and toolkits and researches. His consultations included topics of: Peace building, conflict transformation, mediation, negotiation, facilitation, active citizenship, non-violent communication, and initiative design.

Hassan studied civil engineer in University of Damascus and worked with different NGOs on program and partnerships level including designing of programs, capacity building of teams, and engaging partners.

In 2018, Hassan wrote and developed Hawli w Hawalaye toolkit “About and Around Me” which tackles conflict transformation and nonviolence education to children aged 6 -12 years old. After which he led the training of animators in many organizations on it. Hassan is one of core consultants at Steps and holds the vision and values of nonviolence change and he plays a key role in enabling Steps team and the environment for creativity and production.

Hassan has worked in Syria and Lebanon with Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians and mixed groups of participants and gained a deep understanding of the context of both countries. He has excellent expertise in dealing with conflict in complex environments and has founded several successful initiatives and campaigns.